Mark Gibson


Mark is a part time PhD student at The University of Newcastle, researching sensor fusion and target tracking with passive phased arrays. Graduating with first-class honors in B.E Mechatronics in 2016, he commenced his PhD studies and has maintained close ties with industry, working for two Australian SMEs. During this time he also led The University of Newcastle's team competing in the International Maritime RobotX Challenge, held in Hawaii. Prior to commencing his undergraduate studies Mark was a qualified fitter and machinist and has an extensive knowledge of the manufacturing industry.


Mark's research focuses on direction of arrival estimation using phased antenna arrays and its applications to target tracking.


Mark currently works for Advanced Navigation, an Australian owned company exporting inertial navigation systems globally. Working for several SMEs he has worked closely with Defence over the last decade, both direct including Navy, Army and Special Forces and through prime contractors such as Thales and Lockheed Martin Australia.


Mark has supervised a number of Honors project in both the Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering programs, which included the following research areas: - Passive Sonar Localisation - Design of a 3DoF Projectile Launcher - Active Sonar SLAM for Autonomous Surface Vehicles - Battery State of Charge Estimation - Feasibility of 3D Printed Marine Propellors
He has also helped deliver content for the undergraduate course MCHA2000-Mechatronic Systems


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